Tuesday, April 21, 2009

walkin' for CF

donate to my cause

Dear friends and blog followers (whom I also consider friends, even if we've only "virtually" met), 

You know most of the time how walking merely transports you from one place to another? Well, I'm going to try a new kind of walking. Space-age walking, you might say. If you're into exaggerating. 

What I'm going to do is try to walk and do some good at the same time.

I'll be taking part in the Great Strides walk here in San Francisco on May 2 to benefit Cystic Fibrosis. I'm supposed to say something here about how "soon CF will stand for Cure Found" and "with great strides come great results".

But what I'll say instead is that my nephew is a beautiful little kid, all of one year old, who has no idea he's got a lifelong battle against a really tough condition. Luckily, he's one tough kid. Here's some evidence of that.

If you're not familiar with Cystic Fibrosis, read about it here.

Then think about using the link below or the widget above (hitting you from two sides, I know).


Thanks. And (aside from the benevolence that naturally arises from "zany" music reviews and quasi-funny rants) thanks for letting me do some real good through my blog.
- Dan

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